•« Nhe'ẽ Porã: Memória e Transformação »•

Está exposta na sede da UNESCO, aqui em Paris com nossa produção. A exposição, com curadoria da artista indigena e mestre em Direitos Humanos Daiara Tukano, faz uma homenagem às línguas faladas por povos indígenas do Brasil.

A mostra itinerante conta com patrocínio do InstitutoGuimarães Rosa, do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, e da Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (ApexBrasil). Tem articulação do Instituto Cultural Vale e cooperação da UNESCO. A exposição é realizada pelo Museu da Lingua Portuguesa, instituição da Secretaria da Cultura, Economia e Indústria Criativas do Governo do Estado de São Paulo.

bref, comes up with an innovative spirit. From the French, the meaning of a brief period, a brief, concise and essential note. Playing with words, Br: Brazil Fr: France, our references.

Acting nomade, ephemeral, coming out of the walls of contemporary art and design galleries and studios, bref, design & art exposes works of art and collectible design in unusual places, historical addresses, intimate, provides exchange, face-to-face experiences in guided tours of major national and international fairs, visit to workshops and private collections. 

bref, école

Our digital educational platform was created especially to provide a new and uncomplicated approach to the cultural universe. Lectures, masterclasses and online classes, developing and deepening knowledge of art history and design, from origins to contemporaneity, in a playful and accessible way, taught by experts in the field. Moment to educate the look!

bref, advice

Whether you are an artistic aficionado who knows exactly what you like, an investor looking for reliable value or emerging artists, or indeed a novice looking to invest in the first key works of your collection, our goal is to understand your taste and to adapt to your demands in order to better fulfil your expectations. Bref, will accompany you to fairs, biennial exhibitions, events, conferences and artist studios with a view to helping you towards a better understanding of the challenges of the market and to refining your choices. Bref’s, focus is on tailoring a purchasing strategy that matches your artistic affinities as closely as possible. Whether the aim is to settle on an aesthetic theme to underpin your collection, or to enrich an existing collection, Bref will select the works that best reflect your personal interests and wishes.

Bref, is mindful of the need to respect its clients’ wishes and guarantees discretion and confidentiality.